Friday, August 5, 2011


  我感觉好像变成一个在别人生命中路过石头... 一直被人踢来踢去... 连我也不知道自己该在何处.. 好像用过了,被踢到一旁... 踢呀踢... 掉进了一个很深很深的洞... 我很努力的像爬上来,也有好心路人帮我, 让我再次能回到地球表面上... 可是却有人又把我推到洞的最低... I try not to fall but damn i fall such a long way down.... 我真的伤的很彻底... 我偷偷躲起来,但你永远还是不在... :)) 多的是你不知道的事.....
  You built me up, you break me down. For the life you gave me, i don't know why you don't see like i do. 有时候也许不是我们被忽略,而是我们太在意了。我要变成一个透明的石头.. 我不会动.. 也不会痛... :))) !!! 也许在你生命中,我只是一个路过的人,路过的一个石头。 ;) 
付出真心 才會得到真心 卻也可能傷得徹底
     保持距離 就能保護自己 卻也註定永遠寂寞         
  爱那么伤那么累... 我不懂... 天那么冷.. 心那么痛.. 我承受... 其实寂寞不痛 痛在念舊 ..... 寂寞不痛 痛在做夢 .... 我太笨... 明知道这不是缘份.. 却不顾 一切满是伤痕...
  I trusted you in every way.. But not enough to make you stay... My SOS on radio.. The only chance to let you know what i fear.... But can you hear?....
  If i die young, sink me in the river at dawn.. send me far away.... deep in the bottom where i don't have to be found again.... I dream of the end... wishing to start all over again... 
  I just wanna get back... get back... to the old days with you.. there's so many questions, so much on my mind... So many answers i cant find... I wish i could turn back time.... i wonder why...... 但我回过身,一切连影子都不剩.... 
  It hurts so much to know that you'll never remember the things i'll never forget!.. It hurts so much that the person that made you feel so special yesterday makes you feel unwanted today..... 

美丽的梦何时才能再出现...... ?

为什么留下这个结局让我承受...... ?

  Its all gone... Nothing is the same anymore. I got you, and i'm satisfied. I long for the other. As a result, i got disappointed. I turned around and came back to look for you, but you weren't there anymore. I'm left with nothing. I felt so emptied. I felt so confused.  
  我到底在追寻什么? 到头来全部只是一场空气.... Is this all i've been searching for??? Is this all i've been waiting for??? All alone its dark and cold, never once thought i'd be the pieces left behind...I wonder what would happen if i never ever did existed? ;)

我先消失..... 再见!


Joshua said...

hey. =)

Long time no talk to you.
Anyway, i bet someday you'll met someone and you'll be grateful that everything before him didn't work out. trust me on this one. =)

God Bless and "hey hey =)" from a hundred of kilometres away....

Ryl said...

ah pa , agree :)