Friday, June 14, 2013


My words are cold... I don't want them to hurt you...


My heart breaks a little when I hear your name.

Thats why I always likes thing to stay how it was
I wish you would stay
I wish things would never change
Please dont go...

'' It's usually the ones who are willing to do anything and everything for another that end up getting hurt. ''

Now my baby's dancing... but she's dancing with another man...... 


Saturday, June 8, 2013

如果說了太多 請你別再閃躲
那尷尬的笑容 會讓我更難過
就算只是朋友 你能不能夠直話直說 讓我懂

都怪你的灑脫 溫暖了我胸口
但曖昧很沈重 讓親暱成了折磨

如果愛是自由 為何無法回收
我在你的左右 也不過是個替手

我不敢哭 因為我不想認輸
你的心為她守護 我比誰都清楚
我不敢哭 或許也是種認輸

愛你卻說不出 就當作祝福.......