Sunday, July 24, 2011

It hurts SO MUCH to know that you'll never remember the things I'll never forget..

  As day passed... it keep reminds me of the tragedy... i'm still sorry... you say it's okay... but i can't feel you there anymore.... maybe you still mind about it... i don't know what can i do more... i'm just so sorry...  so i dont dare to ask much from now... 
  I felt so left out... wondering who should i trust.. so as in studies.... i really wanted to study.. but i felt lazy... it hurts to know that youll never remember the things ill never forget.. i think you forgot what you promise.. nothing matters anymore.... as long as you're happy... i am happy... i try to fake a smile to hide a million tears... cause i know maybe you don't even care... 
  Now maybe im just your toy... you can dump it whenever you want.. or a spare tyre... please knot a tie so i wont get lose. But the truth is you can stop and stare, blame myself that no one cares... or maybe i could blame it on "her"... 当时多想提起勇气好好的呵护你.. 不让你受委屈,苦也愿意.... 
  Can I pretend that airplanes in the night skies are like shooting stars? I could really use some wish right now.. Can you feel me when i think about you...? my world is an empty place.... i need you by my side.... i'm missing you so much.. I'm desperately looking for you... i even let go of what i have possessed... My freezing body feels nothing but pain... my heart is filled with pain.... all i had to do is to destroy everything... the pieces of the past that linked us... let me plunge in and drown inside you.... 
  我容易满足,更容易受伤;总有一种被忽视的感觉;付出的远远超过得到的;很固执,习惯不告诉你..自己冷战;在别人面前笑得很开心,一个人的时候却很漠落;陌生人前很安静,朋友面前胡闹;坐在电脑前,不知道做什么,却又不想关掉它;不喜欢等待,却总是等待;经常发呆。没关系,我只是太看重感情的人... 有时把别人看的太重.. 在别人眼里自己却什么都不是...
  我要我们的情人节.... 为什麼我却只想要哭... 我也找不到繼續的藉口... 逞強也沒有什麼.... now i wished myself.. never had met you... tears are gonna fall.. rolling in the deep.. i can't help feeling.. we could have had it all.... 

 I wish I was a kid again, because skinned knees are easier to fix than broken heart.

Spending money for someone you love isn't wasting. :) I bought this for you, hope you would like it. Cause I don't know what else i can buy.. it still a clue... im wondering if you knew if this was for you... ;) hope you would accept it happily.. if it is for YOU, it will drop down from the sky... haha.. dont ask me to be logic... :D
  如果有一天我消失了... 如果有一天我不在烦你了...你会不会发疯一样的找我...因为找不到我而难过? 你会不会无数次的点击我的主页...看看我留下的痕迹?你会不会一直等我? 现在我已不想让你知道,因为我知道你不管... 不想被别人发现,就这样静静的...安静的消失… 
  我会努力读书..  if you let go of something.. and they came back, they were always yours. If they never, they never were. I shall make YOU gaze upon on me. ;) 但我不会太高估自己,在某些人眼里,你根本谁也不是。
  有时候我发现,其实我已经没有那么失望.. 也许是已经心寒... 就让记忆回到那天的那个梦..... 我还不相信 我不相信 连梦都失控.... 爱那么伤.. 伤那么重.. 我不想... 我不懂... 天那么冷..心那么痛... 我承受..... .. 醒不来在自己的恶梦里...
我渴慕... 我反抗.... 又怎样?!