Friday, July 19, 2013


难得人家好好跟你讲话,你不稀罕 ==
还说是我想要打架 一直做对 ==
好啦,随便啦,错的全部是我啦,给你赢啦,你开心就好啦,我输啦!!谁在乎 LOL
“痴线” == 奇怪 莫名其妙 岂有此理 的家伙 要发牢骚自己请便,
我对这个没兴趣,i'm good, very good,
in fact im happily watching luffy ^^
I don't live my life to please you, cause you're not important to me !!
So please go ahead and say what you wanna say about me , because its not important !!
为了小事而打扰我看Luffy , 什么东东 -_-

( Just to make it clear, I'm not posting because I care ^^)
but seriously I don't remember whats the reason I want to post it, LOL
( so readers, I think this could just be considered as a random post )
Planned to post it at my other acc actually, but instead I decided that I should just post it here
because sometimes posting status is too mainstream

and its a funny ridiculous story

then i continued with my luffy <3 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Daijiobu Dattebayo!

你總是細心溫柔 呵護守候這樣的我 現在為了什麼 不再看我
我是不是你最疼愛的人 你為什麼不說話

曾經說好了永遠一起 要摘下最遠的星星
當初熾熱的心 早已沉沒... 
被欺騙算什麼 早已習慣難過 
怪我沒有看破 才如此難過
我爱你 在你眼里却成了 我碍你
谁能告诉我.... 是我们改变了世界 ..... 还是世界改变了我和你?

我淚化了妝 不捨全寫在臉上....
目送你 越走越遠的 悲傷..... 

我们的爱情 永远 是秘密不能成立。。。。

I didn't stop loving you,
 I just stopped showing it because no matter how hard I tried, 
you just wouldn't get it.