Wednesday, November 13, 2013


We need passion

You see
Everyone single one of us
was born to live with a passion

Here's a question
The question is
whether you got
what it takes

You see inside your heart
everyone questions 

We got Fears
We got Anxieties
We got Doubts

We're afraid of failing
and we do not know 
if we were able to do 
what we are set in our hearts
to do

but I am here to tell you
right now it doesn't matter
whether you got fear or not
what matters is if you
do it

because failure is where you don't try at all
but if you try it is because you 



I got Passion

You see this is what
means to me

Passion means 
Waking up
five in the morning
when my body
doesn't feel like it

It means running that extra mile

It means doing what you don't
wanna do but you do it
Because you know it's
going to 
take you there

Passion is Endurance
Passion is Suffering

You see you are not passionate
about it
unless you are willing to
suffer for it

What was God so passionate
about it
That He was willing to send His Son
to suffer and die on a 

I'll tell you
He was passionate about you

You are God's Passion


I got Passion

Don't ask yourself
what the world needs
Ask yourself
what makes you come

And then
go and do that
Because what the world needs
is people who have come alive
who have found their Passion

You see the world
is waiting for someone who is willing to 
Live With Passion
So they can follow suit

Don't follow Success
Follow your Passion
When you found your passion
Success will follow
Money will follow
Others will follow

You got to follow the lead
Because you were created
To live with

I got Passion



I got Passion

Friday, July 19, 2013


难得人家好好跟你讲话,你不稀罕 ==
还说是我想要打架 一直做对 ==
好啦,随便啦,错的全部是我啦,给你赢啦,你开心就好啦,我输啦!!谁在乎 LOL
“痴线” == 奇怪 莫名其妙 岂有此理 的家伙 要发牢骚自己请便,
我对这个没兴趣,i'm good, very good,
in fact im happily watching luffy ^^
I don't live my life to please you, cause you're not important to me !!
So please go ahead and say what you wanna say about me , because its not important !!
为了小事而打扰我看Luffy , 什么东东 -_-

( Just to make it clear, I'm not posting because I care ^^)
but seriously I don't remember whats the reason I want to post it, LOL
( so readers, I think this could just be considered as a random post )
Planned to post it at my other acc actually, but instead I decided that I should just post it here
because sometimes posting status is too mainstream

and its a funny ridiculous story

then i continued with my luffy <3 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Daijiobu Dattebayo!

你總是細心溫柔 呵護守候這樣的我 現在為了什麼 不再看我
我是不是你最疼愛的人 你為什麼不說話

曾經說好了永遠一起 要摘下最遠的星星
當初熾熱的心 早已沉沒... 
被欺騙算什麼 早已習慣難過 
怪我沒有看破 才如此難過
我爱你 在你眼里却成了 我碍你
谁能告诉我.... 是我们改变了世界 ..... 还是世界改变了我和你?

我淚化了妝 不捨全寫在臉上....
目送你 越走越遠的 悲傷..... 

我们的爱情 永远 是秘密不能成立。。。。

I didn't stop loving you,
 I just stopped showing it because no matter how hard I tried, 
you just wouldn't get it.

Friday, June 14, 2013


My words are cold... I don't want them to hurt you...


My heart breaks a little when I hear your name.

Thats why I always likes thing to stay how it was
I wish you would stay
I wish things would never change
Please dont go...

'' It's usually the ones who are willing to do anything and everything for another that end up getting hurt. ''

Now my baby's dancing... but she's dancing with another man...... 


Saturday, June 8, 2013

如果說了太多 請你別再閃躲
那尷尬的笑容 會讓我更難過
就算只是朋友 你能不能夠直話直說 讓我懂

都怪你的灑脫 溫暖了我胸口
但曖昧很沈重 讓親暱成了折磨

如果愛是自由 為何無法回收
我在你的左右 也不過是個替手

我不敢哭 因為我不想認輸
你的心為她守護 我比誰都清楚
我不敢哭 或許也是種認輸

愛你卻說不出 就當作祝福.......

Monday, March 25, 2013


I thought I'm getting better
I thought I was better than before
To be true, nothing changed at all

I keep asking the same questions over and over again
What is love?
Who am I?
What am I to you?
Whats the purpose for me to be born into this world?
Whats my talent?
and more.......
but whats the point?
我只不过是你眼里 那一群一个样的蚂蚁
那一只消失谁真的在意 世界 也没有什么差异

The fragile, brittle, frail humans are ,
After all, nothing more than discarded puppets
After all, nothing more than piles of useless junk
" For what purpose was I created? "
Please tell me the answer?

Why am I trying to fit in if I'm born to stand out?
I'm better off alone anyway ;)

Even though you and I lived in two different worlds
I still tried to take a chance and reach out to you
( I knew they will fail anyway )

Please come near, I just want to have a decent talk with you
Maybe then you could only see how much this distance between us hurts my heart ...

一个人 我在沮丧  一个人 走在路上
一个人 对谁嚣张  一个人 为谁而忙
一个人 没有方向  一个人 闷得发慌
一个人 该怎么样

For once I really escaped from all these feelings
Thats when the time I thought I finally managed to change myself, even a little
I learned to GIVE to give not because I have much
but because I know exactly how it feels to have nothing at all

and so I tried to give as much as I can 
but the more I give, the more I feel I'm stupid
what was I thinking? I worried too much..
I forgot I'm the only one alone in this world....
They still got friend... very good friends with them..
its just an extra thing that people don't need it from me 
What I give, will be considered as jokes...
and so people will started to take things for granted... 
Not wanting them to feel the same way as me makes me look like a total retarded idiot 

I hate humans 

Guess I have to bear the destined along
A destiny that was meant for me, only me
A destiny of forever of rotting alone in the forest 

Growing up is a trap... As kid we always want to grow up... but now we're wishing that we could go back..
Go back to the time when everything is simple . Simple things that makes us happy 

A person without talent like me, what for am I living in this world?
A person without any talent like me, what do I do?
What should I do?
so that you will acknowledge me... like you acknowledge him and her..
is acknowledgement that important, actually? 
or is it only acknowledgement from you that matters

This world is sad
Even the sky is crying
this land is overflowed with tears
unnecessary feelings.

Confused. Mixed feelings again
I don't know what else to say
I'm always suck at expressing
Forgot what else I wanted to say

Guess nothing else matters anymore
The brain, together with me, stop functioning like they used to
They're dying
Buried by my thoughts and questions
like they always do

I dont know anything... I dont want to know anything... Let me shut myself down
The world of warmth which once I was reborn into, are fading from my sight
Warmth is temporary, they are full of lies
Do not depend on them
They will deceive you, and kill you


What am I doing with my life after all what I've been through
They're just nothing in your eyes
because they're really nothing
I'm the problem

Should I continue to survive? or
End myself with a cut

Some thoughts stays unsaid
I still couldn't find a way to express it
but is it even needed to be expressed? 
Sometimes I just stopped showing it because no matter how hard I tried, you just wouldn't get it.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


『I wrote help with my own blood.... 
   Cause hope is all I've got..
   But I open up my eyes and nothing's changed.... 』

如果每个人都在伪装,人何必活得那么辛苦 死掉不就好了吗
-可一片憂鬱誰能聽得清 這一刻你在哪裡 
 我們都只是自己眼裡 那一群一個樣的螞蟻 
 哪一隻消失誰真的在意 世界也沒有什麼差異-

只不过是永远一个人的世界罢了.... 没什么大不了......... 


我想 我应该是疯了 
好像 玩得过火一点了


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Shut up, Jessie

Before this I wrote a long post, I decided to tell myself to shut up, and don't post. :)

This is all I can say now .

看著地的盡頭 天的邊緣 看不見

我還 記得當初 曾經和你
一起走到 這個地方
靜靜躺在 彼此身旁
看著月亮 等著太陽
我說從此 這一顆心 再不會有 別的方向
你也承諾 將我雙手 緊握著不放
然而現在 你我走過 多少時間 更替輪轉
同樣地方 卻已換上 不一樣的景象
現在迴盪在天空的 只有我悲涼的吶喊

天晴朗 天蔚藍 我的心 好黑暗

冷風吹在我的耳邊 吹得讓我不能聽見
聽見你說過的誓言 已經消失在這荒原
冷風吹皺一片水面 喚醒沉睡著的時間
隱約看見你的容顏 只是眼神已經改變

脱掉身上的外衣 甩掉寂寞和空虚
假装你不在这里 和我导演这场戏
不曾打开的手机 知道你不会回应
她的影子多美丽 比不上我的身体

痛要分的清 我想我会更聪明
输要输的起 跟她去我不在意

爱要爱的很分明 痛要痛的很彻底
用情专一的结局 伤的都是我自己
选择不变的定律 坚持一定被抛弃

我并不是你 说放弃就放弃
和她在一起 你能快乐我高兴

你說把愛漸漸放下會走更遠 又何必去改變 已錯過的時間
你用你的指尖阻止我說再見 想像你在身邊 在完全失去之前......

你說把愛漸漸放下會走更遠 或許命運的籤 只讓我們遇見
只讓我們相戀這一季的秋天 飄落後才發現 這幸福的碎片


你的背我只能看着 像是在嘲笑我的舍不得....

反覆问着 我快乐 不快了.....

I'm also kind of misanthrope, I don't expect anything. 

Do you know what’s so hard about being too strong? Nobody might care to ask if you are OK.
Do you wanna know the painful part about loving you? Knowing that I can't have you!
My words are cold, I don't want them to hurt you....
I might look strong from the outside, but actually everybody is just the same from the inside ..
I always used to hope to be found by someone... 
but I don't expect myself to be seen...
now I don't feel like/wanna be found anymore..... 
the world in silence should forever feel alone......

                                               有时我宁愿伤到疯了痛到麻了也不愿找你 , 只因为害怕你的敷衍会再次把我杀死 :')

爱我的那天..... 是什么让你有感觉

Now, shut up Jessie :)